Hello again,
    We seem to have settled into a nice routine here at MML, hopefully we’ll be able to keep it for awhile. Speaking of routines, we’re hoping to be more consistent with this Newsletter moving forward. You should expect to see it in your mailbox on the second Wednesday of the month.
    This month we’re celebrating Women’s Suffrage Month and the 100th Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Check out our Facebook page for interesting facts, programs, and videos. And be sure to stop by MML to walk around the free standing display from the National Archives. It has really great pictures and fascinating information!
    Children’s and Teen Summer Reading programs ended very successfully in July. Thank you for helping to make this unique Summer such a good one! Adult Summer Reading will end on August 31, then Shelly and Jami have new and exciting ideas to share with you. We’ll be focusing on virtual options, at least for the Fall, but we’re enjoying the chance to stretch our imaginations and think outside the box. Get a sneak peak at the details below and let us know if you have any ideas!
Stay safe and happy reading!
~MML Staff