Homeschool Program MPR
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHCalling all homeschoolers! Join us for our Homeschool Program on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1:00 PM. This program is best suited for middle school age group, but can be adjusted for younger kids. The overall theme for the year is "Interesting People".SEP 18 - Artists: Famous Painters OCT 16: Inventors NOV 20:
Study Buddies
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHGet free peer tutoring in the Children's Department every Wednesday at 4:00 PM.
Cine-crafts MPR
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHTeens in 7th - 12th grade are welcome to join us for a movie and a craft project.
KERR Closed
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHStory Time for Ages 2-5
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHBetween the Bookends MPR
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHThis clean reads book club meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM. The library will provide a copy of the book for you to borrow. Jan 16: The Help Feb 20: Carnegie's Maid Mar 20: Antiques & Roadkill Apr 17: Jackie's Girl May 15: The Nature of Fragile Things Jun 19:
Teen Studio
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHTeens in 7th - 12th grade are welcome to come in after school to work on homework, play games, get creative and crafty, or just hang out with friends.
Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby, OHFind out all the benefits of becoming a member of Teen Advisory Council.
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