Internet Access
Access the internet at the library
- Marvin Memorial Library offers internet access to the public via:
- 11 public computer workstations
- Wi-Fi access on patron laptops or wireless devices within the library
Internet Use Policies/Information
Current Procedures/Information
- If you have your own library card you may choose any open work station and log on with your card.
- If you do not have your own library card, you may ask for a guest card at the front desk.
- If you have run out of time for the day, you may ask to have your time extended at the front desk if there are no other users waiting.
General Computer Procedures
- If you would like to listen to music or watch videos online, bring a pair of headphones from home and please remember to mute the volume on the computer when you are finished.
- 2-person limit per computer.
Saving/Downloading material
- Do not download programs/plug-ins/upgrades to the computer. This is further enforced by programs already on our computers. If you find that our computers are not working properly or would like to recommend programs that would enhance library services, please consult a staff member.
- You may download pictures, documents, sounds, and movies to flash drives/cell phones/other external devices as long as there is: 1) no copyright infringement 2) it’s not being used for illegal purposes 3) it’s not being used to threaten or intimidate other people.
- You may save documents/images/videos TEMPORARILY to our hard drives while you are working with them, please delete them before your computer session ends. If you fail to delete them they will remain on the computer until the system updates overnight.
- Flash drives are permitted in our systems. This is currently the best removable data storage medium.