MML Adult Programs
Marvin Memorial Library offers a variety of programs for adults! From reading clubs to walking tours, and DIY programs to expert speakers, there’s something for everyone at any age.
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Special Events and Activities
Registration opens January 27th for the Love Your Library Winter Reading Program!
The program will run Feb. 1st – 28th and prize winners will be drawn March 1st.
Two prizes will be awarded per age group: Adults, Teens, Children
Earn prize slips for a general prize by checking out items and attending events.
Earn a prize slip for the grand prize by completing your game board.
Presented by the Mansfield Power Squadron this boating course will take place at the library on Thursdays at 6:00 pm from Feb. 20th through Mar. 20th.
Registration is required. There is a one time book fee of $40.00. Register here.
Do you love to bake? Sign up for The Great Book(ish) Bake-Off. Registration opens Jan. 27th and closes Feb. 21st. Entries must come from a book which must be on site when presenting to the judges. Registration forms are available at the front desk or you may print one HERE. Three prizes will be awarded!
Regularly Scheduled Programs
“Off the Shelf” Cookbook Club
Cookbook Club meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1:00 pm. Each month has a theme. Join us by bringing a dish of theme food and a copy of the recipe to share. You get to taste everyone else’s treats, and take home a “Cookbook” collection of all the recipes. No registration required; join us any time.
Book & Bean
Book & Bean meets on the 1st Monday of each month at 5:00 pm. No registration required; just read a book in the assigned theme and join us for a fun discussion. Contact Amanda at 419-347-5576 for more information.
Between the Bookends
If you enjoy “clean reads” you will want to join this book club. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm. We have assigned titles and will get the books for you each month. Contact Shelly at 419-347-5576 for more information.
Walk & Talk Series
The Walk & Talk Series returns each June. Join us every Monday from June through August at 6:00 pm in the lobby to walk to a destination and learn more about our community! We walk for approximately an hour.
DIY Design Nights *RR
Register to join us as we craft, get creative, and share tips and tricks. Registration opens on the 1st of each month. We always meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Call 419-347-5576 or stop by the front desk to reserve your spot today.
The Reading Room
Join us on the 2nd Thursday of even numbered months for a lively discussion on the topics listed. Contact Amanda at 419-347-5576 for more information.
Cover to Cover
Do you like a Book Club with assigned titles? If so, Cover to Cover is for you! Each month we have an interesting assigned title to read. We’ll provide the books for you to borrow. You just read the book and join us for a lively discussion about it. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm.
Knotty Knitters
Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to learn? Join us on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 1:00 pm. We gather together to knit or crochet, share stories, swap patterns, and have fun.
Photo Sharing
Have awesome pictures from our programs, activities, or finished Take & Make crafts? Share them with us by tagging us in your Facebook Post or emailing them to [email protected]. By sending pictures, you acknowledge that we may or may not use them for promotions or other library related-media.
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