Can you believe that it’s already time for Summer Reading?!? It’s super crazy! But we’re ready (almost) and very excited to get together with you for Summer Reading this year. We’ll be doing things in person, with a few online options. Sign-up is now open for the program.
We’ll be focusing on animals and traveling the world during story times, book and craft times, and tween group. This is going to be so much fun! I love reading animal stories and learning new things.
Happy Reading and see you soon!
~Miss Jami
Dear Reader,
I really enjoyed reading Mexican heritage books and learning some Spanish with the school ages via recording and in person to the preschoolers. I was so impressed with how many children who could count in Spanish and knew their colors in Spanish. I also learned so much. Did you know that we have a Spanish/Bilingual section at MML?
The month of June we kick off Summer Reading at MML. I am excited to learn about animals around the world with our theme “Tails and Tales.” Join us at story time (sign-up required) and at our Thursday special programs. We will have a great time.
So much to read, so little time,
~Ms. Robyn
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